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domingo, marzo 23, 2008

Hey !!! esto esta padrisimo, me queme las pesta;as redactandolo.

Aqui una muestra de como la gente ENGLISH parlante que le interese la situacion en Mexico y quiera informacion puede encontrar en internet.

En resumen, el primer parrafo explica de lo que se trata el SPOT de NUESTRO TESORO que saco PEMEX, el GOBIERNO o los 2 juntos.

Lo padre es que hasta ellos se burlan del SPOT, mencionan la DRAMATICA musica de fondo al final del video y tambien se BURLAN de las lineas finales con la voz del narrador como si fuera del cominezo de una pelicula de blockbuster, la parte de ES NUESTRO TESORO Y VAMOS POR EL!!!

El segundo parrafo explica que el SPOT salio en los horarios estelares de la televicion Mexicana, Y ELLOS HACEPTAN Y LO ESCRIBEN QUE ES PARTE DE UNA CAMPA;A DE FELIPE CALDERON PARA VENDER PEMEX A LOS EXTRANJEROS
Hace referencia que se cumplio 70 a;os de QUE se expropio el petroleo, y que ahora FECAL, quiere REGRESAR EL PETROLEO A EMPRESAS EXTRANJERAS. Esto asi dice textual YAHOO!!! Y TIMES.COM DE CNN

El tercer parrafo explica sobre que el presupuesto del gobierno 40% viene de petroleos Mexicanos. y que es claro que es un tema muy importante.

El cuarto parrafo explica en resumen, que Mexico no tiene la tecnologia para sacar el petroleo de aguas profundas.

Quinto parrafo: Explican que FECAL dara la iniciativa de ley A FINALES DE ABRIL.

Sexto PARRAFO: Explican que AMLO que perdio por 1% (algo que sabemos que fue fraude) hizo un llamado para defender al petroleo en la plaza de la constitucion ya que PEMEX es simbolo de la independencia de los poderes extranjeros. HASTA ELLOS (YAHOO Y TIME.COM DE CNN) LO DICEN, ES NUESTRO SIMBOLO DE INDEPENDENCIA!!! CONTRA LOS PODERES EXTRANJEROS!!!

Estos del yahoo Y TIME.COM DE CNN son mas objetivos que la prensa Mexicana.

Septimo parrafo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Explican que Fecal a tenido problemas por el escandalo con el Secretario de gobernacion,
Juan Camilo Mourino, por lucrar con PEMEX y las empresas de su familia, pero ahora biene lo mejor, Yahoo Y TIME.COM DE CNN dice: Juan Camilo Mourino hizo esto cuando era asistente de la secretaria de energia bajo FECAL, osea FECAL era su jefe cuando el hizo sus marranadas!!!

Pero eso no acaba ahi, la mejor parte es cuando YAHOO Y TIME.COM DE CNN se refiere a Juan Camilo Mourino como HIJO DE EMPRESARIO ESPA;OL DE PETROLEO!! trafico de influencia? espa;olito?

Octavo parrafo: Hasta yahoo Y TIME.COM DE CNN pone la opinion de AMLO y sus analiztas, pone como cita textual #Este es un ejemplo de como la mafia controla a Mexico y quiere ROBAR el petroleo de Mexico# esto lo dijo
Alejandro Sanchez del equipo de AMLO.

Noveno parrafo: Padrisima redaccion, al principio de este parrafo escriben la palabra HOWEVER, o a lo chilango significa COMO SEA, esto le da todo un significado al parrafo, explico: en el noveno parrafo dice que el pan y el pri empezaran con la propuesta de reforma, pero con el HOWEVER o el COMO SEA al principio de ese parrafo, desde MI PUNTO DE VISTA y recordando que en parrafo anterior se referian a lo que AMLO y su equipo opinaban, ellos harian la reforma. OSEA que apesar de todo lo que ya explicaron que significa PEMEX y que un sector importante de la poblacion representada por AMLO lo aran y les valdra MAOUSER!!!

Decimo parrafo: Mencionan sobre el ataque de un senador, por las disputas internas del partido.

Decimo primer parrafo: Explican que Jorge Nordhausen del PAN, dice que los que protestamos contra el robo de PEMEX, no estamos bien informados y que solo buscamos una bandera mas para pelear y causar problemas.

WORALES!!!, hasta yahoo Y TIME.COM DE CNN es mas critico que los propios medios Mexicanos, eso me extra;a mucho. jeje.

Les paso el escrito en su vercion original.


Angelic children stare at rolling waves as a deep voice booms out the wonders of petroleum. "Mexico has a great treasure, a treasure hidden below the bottom of the sea," the narrator says soothingly above joyous music. "But the world now confronts a new reality." Suddenly, the watcher is bombarded with graphics explaining deep sea drilling in terms fifth graders might understand; the oil is at a depth 30 times greater than Mexico's highest building; the pressure is like 60 trucks weighing on a can of soda. As the music reaches a dramatic finale, the narrator hits the punch line as if in a preview for a blockbuster movie: "Reaching our oil is one of the biggest challenges of our time," he says. "And Mexico has to take the necessary actions to achieve it."

That five-minute spot being beamed out night after night on prime time TV is part of a campaign by President Felipe Calderon to sell foreigners a piece of Mexico's most sacred cow: the state-owned oil monopoly. Tuesday marks 70 years since the country nationalized its oil fields that were drilled by U.S. and British companies, but Calderon wants to bring back foreign oil companies by allowing some private investment in the industry. And his proposal has sparked a debate whose pitch nears hysteria on all sides of the political spectrum: Conservatives scream that Mexico's economy will collapse unless it takes action; while rabble-rousing leftists warn that a corrupt government wants to sell the nation's patrimony to the gringos.

Clearly, the stakes are high. Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, provides Mexico with 40% of its federal budget. It also provides the United States with its fourth-biggest source of oil imports, after Canada, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, shipping it 1.2 million barrels per day.

Calderon, echoing the concern of most industry analysts, warns that Pemex is suffering from underinvestment and mismanagement. Its output is declining each year by about 200,000 barrels per day, and if the present trend continues, Mexico will be importing petroleum within nine years. The nation has vast deep-water reserves in the northern Gulf of Mexico - more than 50 billion barrels' worth by some estimates. But the administration argues that Mexico lacks the capital and technology to drill those reserves.

"We must go after that oil," Calderon told reporters last month. "It's a problem of technology and operational capacity."

To allow international oil companies to invest in the Gulf would mean changing Mexico's Constitution, which requires that the country's oil industry remain closed to both foreign and private ownership. Calderon has promised to send an energy reform bill to Congress before the current session ends in April. While guarding the exact details of that reform, the President and his deputies have argued publicly that more foreign involvement is crucial.

Opponents argue that any foreign incursion equals privatization. Mexicans can take care of their own oil industry, they say, and the predictions of doom are exaggerated. Led by the fiery leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who lost the 2006 presidential election to Calderon by less than 1%, they evoke emotional calls to defend the Mexican nation and its resources. The nationalization of oil in 1938 was a symbol of Mexico's independence from foreign powers, and was celebrated in huge street parties. Lopez Obrador has called his supporters to Mexico's central plaza on the expropriation anniversary this Tuesday, to kick-start a campaign against the reform.

The President's position has been further complicated by a scandal involving Pemex and his chief deputy. Opponents accuse Interior Secretary Juan Camilo Mourino of steering lucrative Pemex contracts to his family trucking business when he was assistant secretary of energy under Calderon in 2003. The son of a Spanish oil man, Mourino admits he signed the contracts but says he broke no laws by doing so. However, the deals are being investigated by federal attorneys and a congressional committee and have made daily front pages in the Mexican press.

"This is an example of how the mafia controlling Mexico want to steal the oil money," charged Rep. Alejandro Sanchez of Lopez Obrador's leftist Democratic Revolution Party. "Just imagine the kickbacks if these officials were making billion-dollar deals with Exxon."

However, lawmakers in Calderon's conservative National Action Party believe they are in a strong enough position to get an energy reform through Congress. In alliance with the former ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, the President's party has passed financial, social security and justice reforms despite cries of protest.

The leftist opposition is on the ropes after its 2006 election defeat, government supporters say, and is grasping at the oil issue to regain momentum. An internal leadership contest in Lopez Obrador's party on Sunday was marred by infighting, with militants physically attacking a senator from a rival faction.

"They haven't even seen Calderon's energy bill and they are protesting," said National Action Rep. Jorge Nordhausen, a secretary on the energy committee. "They don't care about passing laws. They don't even care about oil. They just want a new flag to fight for so they can cause problems."

Les paso el linck original:


LES PASO EL LINCK DE TIME.COM,8599,1723153,00.html?xid=feed-yahoo-full-world

Desde Escocia los saludo y pido que de favor si publican esto pongan la pagina de donde salio.

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